State Park Scenic Tour — Bantam 5

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State Park Scenic Tour

Friday, June 13 — Tours depart at 9:30 a.m., 10:10 a.m., and 10:50 a.m., and 11:30 a.m.

Maximum Jeep Participants:  125
Cost:  $30

The State Park Scenic Tour is a guided on-road tour with three stops in our nearby state parks. The first stop is the Miller Esker, a glacial feature. Next, the group will travel to a mine run-off restoration area in Moraine State Park. The final stop will be at the Foltz Schoolhouse which was recently restored by volunteers. Each stop will have a knowledgeable speaker who will explain features about the site.

Allow approximately 2.5-3 hours for the tour.

Note: This is an on-road tour and is perfect for beginner/stock Jeepers who don’t want to go off-road, as well as those who would love to learn more about the area and enjoy a scenic tour!